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With the integration software we have developed for many years, it instantly writes the information it receives from passports and IDs to the active screen. Thanks to this integration method, it is quickly integrated with all programs. It is used without any problems.

Databim passport and ID reading systems are offered as an all-in-one system. It includes hardware, software and after-sales services. It is integrated into the program you use by our team, free of charge. You do not need to work on any code in your own program or pay additional fees for integration.

Databim Passport and ID Reading Systems have a dynamic integration system. Even if you change the automation program you use in your business, you can call us and use it with your new automation program within minutes.

Databim Passport and ID Reading Systems have internal OCR software. Passport and identity information are read within the hardware. It sends fonts directly to your computer. No OCR software is installed on your computer for the purpose of reading documents. You do not have to pay licensing fees for OCR software.

Databim passport and ID reading systems are not computer scanners. They are professional systems produced specifically for reading documents. There are no covers, buttons, belts, gears, etc. in our hardware. There is no moving mechanism. It automatically recognizes documents and automatically transfers information directly to your program.
